Friday, August 22, 2008

Uh Oh!

Number 1 rule when editing HTML? Easy.... save a copy of the original. Well of course I figured since what I was doing was so easy I didn't have to I ended up seriously messing up my blog. My buttons are gone along with all my favorite links and things. This wouldn't be such a big deal but now instead of a tab on my dashboard allowing me to change my layout it only allows me to change my template. I'm sure I could figure it out but I have less than zero time at the moment. Go figure. Anyway if anyone knows a quick fix to get me bag to the original or at least to give me back the layout out option it would be a HUGE help!!!!!! Thanks so much!


Andrea said...

Oops!! That stinks! Sorry, I'm not much help though...I am not a very good HTML kinda person...although I sure with I was!

Danielle said...

awe! I am not that good with HTML. I was learning- but then Life got in the way.