Monday, July 6, 2009

"Not Me" Monday!

It has been quite awhile since I have done a Not Me Monday! Heck, it has been a long time since I have posted. More to come on what has been going on at a later time and date. As the third week of summer vacation rolls around I've decided to write a Not Me post on all of the inappropriate activities that my two perfect little angls would never do. It is a good thing they don't do these things too 'cause if they did I might be just the slightest bit frazzled and completely sure that I am finished procreating!

  • In a raving lunatic, crazy women tantrum Stella did not throw her LeapFrog drum out of the playpen so hard that I thought she somehow flipped herself out.
  • Madison at 4 1/2 years old does not continue to sneak into our bed every night. This is not acceptable and if it were to ever happen I would most certainly bring her back to her own bed!
  • Stella would never lean over the dog bowl and lap up water as if she were a dog. If she were to do this I would absolutely stop her and never just let keep up the bizarre behavior.
  • Madison does not dig her finger into her belly button and then proudly announce "It smells like cheese! Wanna smell it!". That would be gross!
  • Stella does not throw her food over the side of her high chair just to watch the dog come and eat it.
  • Madison does not climb every tent, awning or other various polls that she finds and then swing from them like a stripper monkey leading people to comment on her unusually natural talent.
  • Stella does not climb every obstacle she comes across and is always satisfied to just chill at ground level.
  • Both girls ALWAYS nap for 3 hours stright at the same time to give me time to clean blog!

Oh yeah I'm so glad my kids are so perfect and do none of these things!

1 comment:

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

My dog is not well fed from high chair food too.