In reality that is the last thing that I wanted to do at 7:00 am this morning and I had plenty of other topics to blog about but Stella changed all that.
We were snuggling in bed together when I clumsily knocked over my JUMBO cup of water. It was headed straight for the laptop (GASP!!!!) so I jumped up and started cleaning the mess. The whole time my high was touching the bed but my eyes were not on the little squirmer. Can you guess what happened?
Yep she fell from our super high bed face down right onto our hard wood floors just inches from where I was standing. It was so unbelievably loud that my first thought was that Madison had placed one of my free weights on the bed again and it just fell off. Of course when I looked back and saw my little girl laying on the floor my heart instantly leaped into my throat.
She immediately starting crying which I knew was a good sign but it took for what seemed like forever to find the phone. I debated between calling 911 or my mom to watch Madison so I could go to the ER. Stella stayed conscious the whole time and her eyes seemed to be reacting well to light. I decided on my Mom 'cause we are only about 4 minutes from the hospital and it would probably take longer just to get an ambulance to the house. Once I found the phone it took what seemed like forever to call my mom 'cause I couldn't remember the number. This is the phone number I had my whole life until moving out on my own. How could I not remember it? Anyway mom ran over and decided to drive us 'cause had I driven I would have had to park the car and walk a pretty far distance to get to the ER. By having mom drive she could just drop us off. Halfway there Stella was laughing at Madison and dancing to the song Madison was singing. I had feeling everything was going to be fine but I still wanted her checked out just in case.
We saw the doc almost instantly. She was awesome and reassured me that I am not a complete moron and that she in fact had this happen to not one of her children but both! One of the nurses said that this was a really common theme over the weekend too. Stella seemed fine but the egg on her forehead and the bump by her eye made the doc order a CAT scan. She doesn't know it but I would not have left without one even if she did not think it was necessary. When the tech came to get us she was a little unsure about how the scan would go because Stella was squirming all over. She was tired and cranky because she didn't get her breakfast, I wasn't allowed to give her the bottle that she was more than ready for and it was her nap time. The tech mentioned that we would probably have to sedate her. This was not at all something I was interested in doing but I knew ultimately we would if need be. someone was definitely watching out 'cause within the 2 minutes that the tech went to find our pediatrician and discuss sedation Stella lulled herself to sleep and stayed sound asleep just long enough for the CAT scan to be completed!
The scan came back negative and we were released by 10 am. Stella seems perfectly fine although we do have to follow up with our pediatrician tomorrow and keep a close eye on her for the next day. I've been a complete wreck. I can't even imagine being a parent whose child has a major injury or illness! As soon as me came home I lowered her crib as far down as it goes (just in case) and there will be no more big bed for her anytime soon!
Oh yeah and for those who are counting
- Stella's ER trips = 2 Funky colds that require mucho meds = 1
- Madison's ER trips = 0 Funky colds that require mucho meds = 0 (never even antibiotics)
I hope that this trend does not continue and that there are no more accidents for either one but I have a feeling I know who our accident prone child is going to be!